W9 Request Form (to issue a 1099)

Any time that an individual, and in many situations a company, needs to be paid for a services performed for your church and there is ANY chance that the individual/company will be paid more than $600 in the calendar year, we must have a W9 on file for that person or company to ensure we are able to send them a 1099. Additionally, 1099s are delivered digitally and so we also need their email address.

This rule applies 100% of the time to an individual and to many companies. If you are dealing with a company, any time you add a new vendor, please ask if they will need a 1099 at the end of the year. If so, please submit this form.

Click the link below to submit a W9 form request. As soon as you hit the submit button, the person/company will receive a Docusign with the W9 form. Please ensure they are aware of this so they aren’t taken off guard.

Once they have submitted a W9, unless you have chosen for them to be paid a consistent amount on the payday for your church, we will then need a check request submitted via the support form for your church to issue funds.  If you do not have access to your support form, please talk to our primary contact at your church as we cannot provide this link to anyone they have not already shared with.  Also once we have a W9 on file we will not need the contractor to submit one again.  They only need to ensure their keep their contact and direct deposit info up to date through submitting the forms on this site.

**Please note, if the calendar year ends and we have not received a W9 from a vendor who requires a 1099, the church will be responsible for manually submitting the 1099 info to the IRS.**

This form MUST be submitted by someone at a church that myXP supports. We CANNOT process the information if this form is submitted by the contractor as a contractor cannot authorize their own relationship with your church.

W9 Request

In the W9 process the vendor will be encouraged to provide information to be paid by your church using direct deposit.  Please strongly encourage all contractors to use this option to avoid delays in payments of checks lost in the mail.

Your church only needs a W9 from a contractor one time.