Using Planning Center Registrations to Accept Payments

At myXP we are big fans of Planning Center Online and the Planning Center Registrations module is no exception.  This is an excellent tool for creating a place for people to RSVP for events.  Planning Center Registrations also enables the ability for you to charge and accept online payments for church events as well.

If you choose to use PCO Registrations to accept payments there are just a couple of things you need to do so that the myXP team knows how to categorize these dollars.

  • Planning Center does a great job of letting us know when you have enabled payments on a registration.  Even though the bank deposit will be combined with your giving we can easily know which event(s) has collected money and can ensure your registration dollars are separated out from your giving dollars
  • To ensure the myXP team categorizes your registration dollars correctly you have 1 of 2 options:
    1. You can ensure the title of your registration is very clear as to why you are collecting these dollars.  Using ministry names such as women, men, students, small groups, etc... in the title will allow us to know where to categorize these dollars.  If you call an event something broad like "ski trip", we won't be confident in where we should categorize it.
    2. The moment you create a registration to accept payments, create a todo or submit a help ticket for the myXP team letting us know both the name of the registration and the exact category you would like the money collected credited towards.  Even if you use a ministry name like in option 1, if you want to be 100% certain the proper ministry is credited where you want it to be, we recommend using this option.

As a reminder, anytime you do anything with funds in your church it's important to ensure the myXP team is made aware.