Additional Services

These fees will be charged on a case by case basis for requests outside of regular bookkeeping+ duties included in your monthly fees. Please note, all of these services are included with our Remote XP service:

myXP Coaching: $175 per session

  • Need some advice or direction on something in the realm of ministry but outside of our bookkeeping+ responsibilities? Have a bunch of questions that require a level of XP expertise to answer? We can help! In addition to bookkeeping, myXP serves as a remote Executive Pastor to churches across the country. We have 15 years of experience in the XP role and can often provide the answers you need. While we typically charge $250 for a XP coaching session, as a myXP client we are happy to provide you a $75 discount. We will meet for a 60 min Zoom session where you can ask anything you need some coaching on. *Providing a list of questions ahead of time is not required but will ensure you receive the best support possible. Coaching does not include any myXP action outside of the call. If you have something you would like myXP to take care of for you, post a todo in basecamp and we can quote the project. Schedule time for this option.

New Leader Onboarding: $350

  • Have you had some change on your leadership team and you have new people who need to understand things like reporting, how to submit requests to the myXP, have lots of questions about your financial situation, & need a basecamp overview so your your church can get the most out of the relationship with myXP? We understand that the leadership in a church can change and we can help get your new leader up to speed with our services! With this service you will get 2 separate 30min Zoom coaching sessions (to take place within a 4 week time frame) as well the ability to request up to 5 one-time custom financial reports to assist with your onboarding.

Vendor/Payee/Banker Relations: $50 per instance

  • Have a vendor/payee that never seems to receive their payments? Do you need a W9 from someone who needs some explanation as to why? Need us to solve issues with a specific vendor? Have a banker that is wanting a specific report?  We can help. We will ensure the requestor is provided what is needed and you won’t have to worry about them being frustrated with you. Just ensure we have their contact info (name AND email address) and you won’t have to worry about it again.

Package Preparation for Financing of a loan: $650 per lending institution

  • Viewed as an “all-in” fee meaning that our team will work to prepare your financials as per lender requirements. This often requires around 15 hours of work to meet the unique requirements of each organization and typically involves restating reports multiple times.

Restating reports that have been presented as originally requested: $50 per report

  • Need to make an unplanned update to a report for any reason? No problem! If reports must be significantly changed, updated, & restated outside of what was originally requested, this fee will apply on the restated reports.

Leadership Meeting Presentation: $250

  • We will take the time to review and prepare a financial presentation for the leadership team of the church. This will include a walk-through of the current financial documents, preparation to answer questions that have been sent in 48 hours prior to the meeting, as well as a time of Q&A. (75 minutes participating in the meeting max).

Payroll Adjustment/Ammendment: $75 + QBO fee per instance

  • Should something need to be changed on a payroll that has already been issued there will be a $75 fee to myXP as well as any additional fee charged by the payroll provider.

1:1 Financial walk-through: $100

  • Tyler will meet via Zoom to walk you through your financial statement for the month and answer any questions you may have. (60min meeting) Schedule Time for This Option

Budgeting: $350

  • As a part of your subscription fee, myXP is happy to enter your finished annual budget into quickbooks and then pull monthly expense vs budget reporting. Should you want support in the budget creation, we can do that too! We have years of experience helping churches budget. This fee includes (2) 45 minute zoom calls for budget planning purposes.

Research & Explanation: $150 per instance

  • Sometimes you need us to deep dive into your accounting history to answer questions, provide details on a specific vendor, make adjustments to records, or provide you detailed tracking on expense history. We are happy to help!

PPP Forgiveness: $350

  • We will do the research to ensure you have the all the correct numbers, any required documentation, and we will do a Zoom screen shared session with the person who applied for the loan to ensure the forgiveness application is submitted accurately. We will also work with you through the end of the forgiveness process providing support for any questions your lender may have or supporting documentation they may required.

501c3 Financial Portion Preparation: $350

  • Having a 501c3 is something that we encourage all churches to pursue. While not required by the IRS, many large organizations (Microsoft, Quickbooks, Google, etc…) are willing to provide discounts and even full donations of products but they do require a 501c3. While myXP cannot do the preparation of all of the 1023 paperwork for you, we can absolutely help when it comes to the lengthy section on the finances of the church. We have an attorney that we work closely with that we can recommend who will charge a reasonable rate for the rest of the submission or we are happy to work with whoever is preparing the documents for you to ensure they have what they need in the financial section.

Reporting Rush: $100

  • Have a special meeting & need your monthly reporting prior to the 10th business day of the month? Did you miss the deadlines to getting information to our team and don’t have the ability to wait to receive your reporting? We can help! While a monthly reporting package is included in our fees, this rush fee will be applied to any request for a hard delivery date outside of the 10th business day, either earlier or an expedient turnaround due to late submissions.

COA Overhaul: $400

  • Part of your initial bookkeeping setup fee is to have myXP take a look at, make recommendations on, and if need be do an overhaul on your Chart of Accounts. For whatever reason you may decide that your COA is in need an additional overhaul. Of course we are welcome to add, delete, or merge an account or two on occasion to ensure that your reports are helpful but in the event you want to do more than that, no problem—we are happy to help!

“Handle it”: $150/hr

  • Have something you just don’t have the time to deal with? Wish that someone else could just “handle it” for you? We are happy to take that off your plate! At myXP we solve problems for pastors and we specialize in handling the stuff that you shouldn’t be worrying about to begin with. While we don’t really like to charge by the hour, sometimes “handling it” takes 20 mins and other times it take 4 hours and don’t want to charge you for more than the time we spend. Regardless of the time it takes, you can know we have it handled!