Church Bank Account Deposits

Every dime that comes into the church bank account would be seen as either Giving or Non-giving dollars.  Giving dollars always come with a giving statement.  Non-giving dollars is anything else that doesn't fit the IRS requirements for a donation.

If you have giving dollars:

  • Follow this process: Entering a Giving Batch
    • Please note that all misc cash and change must be input as a donation to the Anonymous Donor as long as the cash and change are considered giving dollars. If this does not happen the batch and deposit will not match, additionally you have not accurately recorded the total giving for the church making all PCO reporting innacurate
  • It is crucial that there is a batch is PCO (Planning Center Online) that exactly matches the deposit made at the bank dollar for dollar.    If the batch is $125.04 and the deposit is $125.14, we will report it to you. 
    • This process is incredibly helpful to monitor anything unusual or possible worth investigating re: counting procedures.
  • Only giving dollars should be entered in PCO.  Nothing that is not giving related should be entered in PCO.  This also ensures the PCO reporting helpfully paints a picture of the donations to the church.

If you have non-giving dollars:

  • Please use the support form for your church to submit a Deposit Itemization for all non-giving dollars.  You have the ability to dictate which part of each deposit should go to which category.
    • Examples of non-giving dollars are:
      • Rebates or refunds
      • Sales of anything (apparel, books, etc...)
      • Registrations for an individual to attend a camp or conference
        • The money someone pays to attend a camp or conference cannot be tax deductible however should the church have the option for people to to donate dollars towards a camp scholarship, those donations are tax deductible and SHOULD BE in PCO.

The key is that any money that enters the church bank account is either in PCO (either in a batch or given online) OR we receive a deposit itemization form.  It is very likely that 2 entirely separate deposits will be created each week.  One with giving dollars that will match the PCO batch exactly and one with non-giving dollars.